No 147 D. 136 Kartal, İstanbul, Türkiye
+90 (533) 384 5539
(10am - 05 pm)

Value Discovery

Unlocking the hidden values

Value Positioning

Creating unique strategies

Value Distribution

Expanding to investor network

Value Migration

Shifting the mind set
About us

Cultivating tangible values for authentic, substantial valuations

At Zenkronn, we stand at the forefront of technological innovation and business strategy, pioneering solutions that drive growth and value creation. Established in 2015, our roots trace back to the dot-com era, where our founder harnessed the power of emerging technologies and strategic e-business management. With a rich history spanning from the USA to Turkey, and extending to Thailand, Zenkronn is more than a software development and consulting firm; it’s a beacon of inspiration and guidance for startups, investors, and tech companies worldwide.

Our mission is to empower businesses by uncovering their core values and transforming them into tangible, market-leading solutions. Through our extensive network, innovative approach, and dedicated mentorship, we not only envision but also actualize success in the tech landscape. Join us in this journey of building ecosystems, where creativity meets strategy, and every partnership blossoms into lasting impact.







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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)